Anything But Neutral

Net Neutrality is a term I am new to learning about, but one more people should know. Now with some big names supporting the awareness, it is nice to see more and more people understanding what is happening or what could happen with our access.

In 2014 this topic was big news. For a refresher here are two articles from 2014 talking about the issue one from U.S. News and one from  NYTimes.


Now, this topic is back in the news as the FCC is trying to repeal the law and give Internet providers more power. The great thing about internet-loving millennials is that they are standing up and fighting this again, just like in 2014.

Not only are Millennials fighting again, but major tech and entertainment sources are standing up too. PR week’s Alison Kanski shares seven big names that are standing up in the article, “ Spinning wheels and slow streams: How 7 Tech brands protested Net Neutrality changes.”

Having these companies show support is great, but what is better is how they can reach a wide net of people and inform more people. Restriction of our internet is not okay and people need to be aware of the future if this gets passed.


The issue is more than just slow internet and luckily the issue is bringing companies and people together, as Advertising Age’s Will Jarvis notes in the article “From PornHub to the ACLU: Net Neutrality is Bringing Together Unlikely Friends.” Our data, our usage, and our history (internet history) could all be sold to the highest bidder. A small online business that does not have high traffic could not be shown on search engines because they can’t compete with some other website’s traffic.

This is all just wrong and needs to be kept the same with the open internet policies. If you feel the need to step up and help you can go to Battle For the Net and contact your Congress representative now!